We make use of threat-related chemosensory stimuli, namely body odor, acquired during aggressive behavior (boxing) and unconsciously perceived, to investigate heightened amygdala responses to threat stimuli in aggressive patients.
This translational project investigates sex-dependent behavioral effects of faecal microbiota transplantation to microbiome-depleted mice from AMD patients (selected based on their aggressive and impulsive traits from Q01), as well as healthy controls.
This project aims to identify cognitive and emotion control deficits in the context of negative valence and threat interference and their association with ACE in young offenders.
Probe the self-regulation of CS networks in adults and adolescents diagnosed with mental disorders related to frequent stress-associated affective outbursts and aggressive symptoms in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and BPD.
Address sex-specific NVS (reactive aggression) and CS (different dimensions of psychopathy, proactive aggression) associated risk factors, and risk factor-based biosignatures in young people.
The central recruitment platform for collecting and curating a longitudinal dataset for studying individual aggression dynamics related to the neural, cognitive-emotional, neurobiological, psychopathological and environmental factors in patient groups.